Notes for: Leta Wood Berdine
Her name in her father's obituary is "Mrs. Leta Wood of Chicago." There is a Renna Nash who seems to be Leta's first husband mentioned in the 1950 Census in Bungtown, Fond du Lac Co., WI. He is divorced and living as a lodger with Horace and Eldemae Velere. So my assumption is that she and Renna divorced and she eventually remarried.
From: Catherine M Medich [catherine.medich at]
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006
Subject: Question about Renna Nash
I note on your web site you have information on Leta Berdine who married
Renna Nash.
Renna/Rena's father was associated with Dan Patch (a famous race horse
in the early 1900s). He was his farrier.
Do you have any additional information on Renna or his son Durland? A
book is being written on Dan Patch and it would be nice to include as
much information about the people who made him great in there.
Thank you.
Catherine Medich
Note from Dave: The farrier for Dan Patch was named Richard Earl ("Ren") Nash. He does appear to be the father of Renna Edward Nash.
From Ronny Bodine (June 5, 2024):
From Lake County, Indiana Marriage Records:
Renna E. West AND Leta W. Berdine were married 4 Nov 1915.
From Kansas Federal Census Records:
1920 (6 Jan) Emporia, Lyon Co.: Renna E. NASH 26 IA Fireman-Railroad, Leta W. 23 IN wife, Durland E. 3 IN son.
In 1942, Renna Nash registered for the World War II draft as a resident of Theresa [Dodge Co.], Wisconsin. He stated he was born 19 Oct 1893 in Independence, Iowa and that L. A. Nash of Chicago was his next of kin.
Leta Nash was named in the July 1960 obituary of her brother, Flint, as Mrs. Leta Wood of Chicago, but not in the May 1969 obituary of her sister Bethel Jones.
From Social Security Records:
Renna E. Nash, born 19 Oct 1893, died 1 Aug 1956.
Obituary, The Post-Crescent (Appleton, WI) of Thur., 2 Aug 1956.
Renna Edward Nash, 63, 624 S. Douglas street, died at 11:45 Tuesday evening after a short illness. He was born Oct. 19, 1892 in Independence, Iowa, and had been employed at the Stokely-Van Camp company. Funeral services will be held at 9 o'clock Friday morning at Sacred Heart Catholic church with burial in St. Joseph cemetery. The rosary will be recited at 7:30 this evening at the Brettschneider Funeral home where friends may call after 2 o'clock this afternoon. The sole survivor is a brother, Leo, Chicago, Ill.