Notes for: Mary Ann Dunn
Her parents have not really been proven. There is a Levi Dunn in the Marshall County, Alabama Census for 1850 that has a daughter named Mary A. Dunn, but she is 2 years younger.
From: Thomas Bodine [tbbodine at]
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2004
Subject: Re: Bodine update
I don't know how the "E' was given to him but his original headstone has an "M" on it. So I am sure the family knew his name. Martin Putnam Bodine had a son named William Marion. Martin's father, Henry and William were brothers.
Best regards,
Thomas Bodine
ps - Many hours have been spent in trying to locate Mary Ann Dunn's parents. Apparently, they came in about 1850 after the Marshall County census as she is not on it.