Notes for: James Bodine
It looks like he never married.
From Ronny Bodine:
James Bodine, age 24, was living with his parents 1870 in Jefferson County. In 1880, now 35 and yet single, he was living and working with his sister and brother-in-law, Margaret and John Myers, in Odin Township, Marion County, Illinois. In 1900, 1910 and 1920, James Bodine, 54 in 1900, 64 in 1910 and 72 in 1920, and still single, was living with his sister Margaret's son-in-law and daughter, James and Alice Jackson, in Sandoval, Marion County, working as a farm laborer. In 1930, James Bodine, now 84, was still living in Sandoval Township with his niece Alice, who was now married to her 2nd husband, Elisha Johnson. James Bodine was buried in Wolf Prairie Cemetery, Jefferson County.