Notes for: Thomas Bodine
From Ronny Bodine:
In 1900, Thomas Bodine was living with his brothers Frank and Arthur and their mother in Wellsboro and was employed there as a typesetter. Thomas Bodine was buried in Wellsboro Cemetery.
Obituary, the Wellsboro Gazette of 11 Feb 1932.
Thomas Bodine, Wellsboro native, died last Thursday at Altoona, where he had made his home for the past twenty years. He had suffered from failing health for several years but was confined to his bed only a week previous to his death.
Born In Wellsboro, September 27, 1874, he was the son of Ellis and Helen Bodine and spent his early life here where in young manhood he was employed as printer in the Gazette Agitator and Republican Advocate offices and later in Williamsport. Until poor health prevented, he worked as printer in Altoona.
He is survived by two brothers, Arthur, of Wellsboro and Frank, of Palmyra and several cousins.
Funeral services were held on Monday from the home of Arthur Bodine, on Water street, Rev. E. Becker Brownell, Methodist pastor officiating; burial in the Wellsboro cemetery .
Tom Bodine was an honest and respected citizen and had many friends here. He was a life long subscriber of the Gazette.