Notes for: John C. Bodine
From: tdip at
Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2024
Subject: John Calvin Bodine
I have been researching the Bodine line of my tree since 1980 and just now found your website today. My great grandmother is Ruth Annie Bodine 1848-1900. She was the 2nd wife of my great grand grandfather, John Parson Warden Dipprey. Annie's father is John Calvin Bodine. John's father was Gilbert (Guisbert) Bodine. Gilbert was found in your periodical "Bodine Branches" volume 2, Issues 1 and 2 page 12. I have bookmarked your website, BODINEGENEALOGY, and I am interested in getting updates of the Bodine Family Tree if possible. Your website is a "site for sore eyes" and I thank you for your concern with the family tree. I am on under Dipprey Family Tree. I am presently checking out the DNA matches (70,100). Thank you in advance of your response.
Tom Dipprey KG5JIT
Ronny Bodine thinks this John C. Bodine could be the son of Henry Bodine and Lydia Groff. This John's second marriage did possibly take place in the house of Theodore Bodine, Henry's son, but I don't see any other evidence for John's father being Henry than that. It needs more research, but let's go with this idea unless later proven incorrect.
John was listed as a retired farmer in the 1880 Census of Elmwood, Peoria Co., IL. They have a "daughter" listed in that census, but she is 13 and her parents are listed as born in Illinois. Maybe she is a granddaughter.
It seems that John was first married to an Ann and later to a Barbara. The death record for their daughter Mahala listed her mother's name as Ann Hand. The death record for their daughter Penniah listed her mother's name as Laura Ann Hand.
Ronny sent me this from the Warren Journal (Belvidere, N.J.) of 8 Sept 1855.
On the 4th ult., by the Rev. A. H. Hand, at the house of Mr. T. Bodine, Franklin, Warren Co., John Bodine of --------, to Barbary Willever, of Franklin.
About the only "T. Bodine" I can find who might have lived in Franklin, NJ in 1855 is Theodore Bodine, the husband of Margaret Hornbaker. He is the the son of Henry Bodine and Margaret Lydia Groff. It is possible that John Bodine, husband of Esther Mattison is related to that Henry Bodine. Some have thought that Henry might be that John Bodine's uncle.
Here is an update from Ronny from August 28, 2024:
In September 1822, Henry Bodine had five of his children baptized at the Washington Presbyterian Church in Sussex County, NJ from which county Warren County was formed in 1824. Those five children were all named in a court case in 1832 dividing up Henry's estate. Also named is son John who, as the eldest, was off on his own when his siblings were baptized and the youngest child, Lydia, born in 1827.
Warren County, Orphans Court Minutes, vol. 1, 1825-1837:
p. 260, 262-263. Nov term, 1832. William Bodine petitions the court that Henry Bodine died siezed of considerable real estate in the Township of Mansfield and elsewhere amounting to 170 acres more or less, which descends to Lydia Bodine, his widow, and his children the petitioner William Bodine and John Bodine, Mary Ann Bodine wife of Jacob Wandling, Joseph Bodine, Theodore Bodine, Francis Bodine, and Lydia Adeline Bodine. By reason of the minority of Joseph, Theodore, Francis and Lydia Adeline Bodine, a division of the real estate cannot be made and the court is requested to appoint commissioners to set aside a widow's dower and partition the land. Adam Runkle, Lawrence Lamerson and William Creveling are appointed commissioners to lay off dower for Lydia Bodine and report back to the next court session. Also, Jacob Wandling is appointed guardian of Lydia Adeline Bodine until she attains the age of 14 and of Francis Bodine until he attains the age of 21.
About 1833, John Bodine married Ann Hann. They appear together in the following 1837 deed. It seems John sold his land before moving away as by 1840 he lived in Peoria County, Illinois.
From Warren County, New Jersey Deed Records:
16: 410. Deed of 20 Nov 1837, from John Bodine and Ann, his wife, of Mansfield Township, Warren County to Theodore Bodine of Mansfield Township, 3 acres for $135. Recorded 28 Sept 1838.
From: Warren Journal (Belvidere, N.J.) of 8 Sept 1855.
On the 4th ult., by the Rev. A. H. Hand, at the house of Mr. T. Bodine, Franklin, Warren Co., John Bodine of --------, to Barbary Willever, of Franklin.
Be aware that although records name him as John C. Bodine there is no evidence that Calvin was his middle name although his own son did bear that name.
I hope that this clarifies any misconceptions.
Best regards,
Ronny Bodine
Note from Dave Bodine: I do think John remarried at the house of his brother Theodore. But since Charles's brother did seem to be living far away in Prince William County, VA, then maybe this was just a house Theodore still owned in Warren Co., NJ and/or that he had family still living in. Therefore, it was still called Theodore's house. Anyway, it needs more investigating.
From Ronny Bodine (Nov 9, 2018):
The 1917 death record of his daughter, Mahalia Bodine Swank, provides the middle initial of "C" which is recorded nowhere else.
From Illinois Federal Census Records:
1840 Rochester Precinct, Peoria Co.: John BODYNE males 1(30-39); females 2(0-4), 2(5-9), 1(30-39).
1850 (12 Oct) Peoria Co.: John BODINE 49 NJ farmer, Ann 40 NJ, Mary A. 16 NJ, Mahalia 14 NJ, Lydia A. 10 IL, Peninnah 9 IL, Ruth A. 4 IL, Harriet 1 IL.
1860 (27 July) Elmwood, Peoria Co.: John BODINE 55 NJ farmer, Barbary 46 NJ, Lydia 21 IL, Ruth 13 IL, Harriet 11 IL, John 8 NJ.
1870 (10 Aug) Elmwood, Peoria Co.: John BODINE 62 NJ farmer, Barbary 45 NJ, Ruth Ann 24 NJ, John C. 16 IL.
1880 (5 June) Elmwood, Peoria Co.: John BODINE 77 NJ retired farmer, Barbara 55 NJ wife, Anna 13 IL dau.
It seems evident that John Bodine did not know when he was born as his age fluctuated dramatically with each census providing a birth range from 1801 to 1808.
In 1880, John and Barbara's household included Anna, age 13, identified as their daughter, but she must have been their granddaughter as she was not named in 1870 when she should have been 3. Ann (Hann) Bodine was the daughter of Maurice and Sarah Hann.
From: Warren Journal (Belvidere, N.J.) of 8 Sept 1855.
On the 4th ult., by the Rev. A. H. Hand, at the house of Mr. T. Bodine, Franklin, Warren Co., John Bodine of --------, to Barbary Willever, of Franklin.
From "Peoria, city and county, Illinois : a record of settlement, organization, progress, and achievement." Chicago: The S.J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1912, p. 319: About 1840 John Bodine and Joseph Warne came from New Jersey and located on section sixteen.
Burials in French Grove Cemetery, Peoria County.
ANN, wife of J. Bodine Died Sep. 28, 1853 Aged 44 Yrs. 11 ms. 22 ds. [=birth date of 6 Oct 1808]