Notes for: Carrie Bodine
In the 1900 Census of Stockton, Hunterdon County, New Jersey, there is a Carrie Bodine who was born in November of 1869. She was 30 years old and living as a companion to the William B_ily family. Her tombstone says Carrie B. Bodine. Carol Morris thinks the "B" is probably for "Bellis."
Below is a recipe that came from a book done by the Ladies Aid Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Kingwood in Hunterdon County, New Jersey in 1920. I believe the Carrie W. Bodine mentioned below must be this Carrie Bodine, but that is a guess.
Recipe from Carrie W. Bodine:
Apple Dumplings
One pint of flour, 1/2 teaspoons salt, 2 teaspoons baking powder, sifted together, 1/4 cup butter rubbed in 1 egg beaten and mixed with 1 scant cup milk; roll and cut in 5 inch squares. Core and halve 3 large apples, fold each piece of apple in a square of paste, bringing the corners to the core; turn the dumpling upside down in a well buttered dripping pan, dot them with bits of butter and sprinkle over four tablespoons of sugar; set the pan in a quick oven and after 10 minutes pour on boiling water to half cover; baste often and bake about 30 minutes in a oven hot enough to have them browned in that time. Serve with hot sauce, cream or the syrup from the pan.
Here is something that was sent to me from the card files at the Hunterdon County Historical Society:
Bodine Reunion 1909 at Island Park, near Easton, Pa. through the efforts of J. V. Bodine.
Those present were: Jane Bodine, Miss Carrie Bodine, Miss Lucy Bodine (Sandy Ridge ), Mrs. Lewis Bodine of Englishtown, Mr. & Mrs Walt Bodine of Philadelphia, Mr. & Mrs. Howard Bodine -- Gradnson of Howard Bodine, Trenton, NJ.
Note: These people may be related to Charles W. Bodine (husband of Hannah Shadinger). The Howard Bodine may be his son. If so, this tells me that Howard would be the grandson of William H. Bodine and that the "H" stands for "Howard." This is only a guess however. Here are my guesses as to who else was there: Mr & Mrs Walt Bodine could be Charles "W." Bodine (husband of H. Shadinger). Maybe the "W" stands for "Walter." Mrs. Lewis Bodine is the wife of Charles's son, Lewis. Carrie and Jane would be daughters of William H. Bodine. I'm not sure who Lucy or J. V. Bodine are.
From Ronny Bodine:
In 1900, Carrie Bodine, age 35 and single, working as a bakery saleslady, lived with her sister and brother-in-law, Annie and Henry Rolle in Jersey City, Hudson County. In 1930, Carrie Bodine, age 63 and single, lived with her sister Ann Rolle in Jersey City and worked in a bakery.
1940 Jersey City, Hudson Co., NJ: Anna ROLLE 72 NJ widowed, Carrie BODINE 74 NJ sister single, Jennie BODINE 75 NJ sister single. Residence 1 April 1935: Same place.
From The Jersey Journal (Jersey City, NJ) of Thurs., 10 Oct 1940.
Miss Carrie Bodine, 74, of 20 Brinkerhoff St., a former partner in Rolle's Bakery in the Bergen section, plunged to her death last night from a fifth floor window in St. Francis' Hospital, W. Hamilton Place. Miss Bodine, whose left leg was amputated four years ago because of an infection, and who was obliged to use crutches, left a faintly penciled note. It read: "Goodbye to all. I am forsaken. Devil has got me every time." The words were written on a torn envelope. [Lengthy account of events leading up to her suicide are omitted here.] Miss Bodine was well known in the Bergen section, where she had been a partner in Rolle's Bakery at the Monticello Av. The bakery catered to prominent families of the section. Miss Bodine had been in partnership with her sister, Mrs. Annie Rolle, of the Brinkerhoff St. address, and previous to that with Mrs. Rolle's husband. She retired four years ago. Miss Bodine, a member of the North Baptist Church, was born in Stockton. In addition to Mrs. Rolle, Miss Bodine is survived by two other sisters, Miss Jennie Bodine, who lives at the Brinkerhoff St. address, and Mrs. Louis Naylor, of Washington, D.C.
Burials in Sandy Ridge Cemetery, Sandy Ridge, Hunterdon County, New Jersey.
(For grave marker photo see Find A Grave Memorial No. 16032808)
CARRIE BODINE 1866---1940