Notes for: Abraham Marlatt, Jr.
Abraham rode with Light-Horse Harry Lee in the Revolutionary War. He also served with John Bodine, who married his sister Jane, in French aristocrat Marquis de la Rouerie's "Legion." Much of the information on the direct line of ancestors back from Abraham has come from info at WorldConnect. It was listed there as having come from a Pauline Mullins by way of Bill Marlatt (bmarlatt at The info on his possible children John and Dove needs to be checked.
The following info came from Stan Ball's manuscript (ssssball at
Revolutionary War Pension & Bounty Land Warrant Applications
Micro-copy M805, Roll 552, Dallas Public Library, Dallas Tx.
DISTRICT OF Virginia, Berkeley County, SS.
On this 28th day of April 1818, before me the subscriber, of the Judge of the Superior Court of Law for the said County personally appeared Abraham Marlatt aged 57 years, resident in Berkeley County in the said district, who being by me first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following declaration, in order to obtain the provision made by the late act of Congress, entitled, "An Act to provide for certain persons engaged in the land and naval service of the United States in the revolutionary war:" That he, the said Abraham Marlatt enlisted in Winchester in the state of Virginia in the company commanded by Captain Labart of the Troop of Dragoons belonging to Col. Armand's Legion as in the service of the Unites States, that he continued to serve in the said Corps, or in the service of the United States, until the end of the war, when he was discharged from service in Little York, in the state of Pennsylvania, and that he is in reduced circumstances and stands in need of the assistance of his county for support; and that he no other evidence now in his power of his said services except the annexed certificate of John Martin and John Bodine ...
I also certify that it ___v___ satisfactorily ______ to the satisfaction of the Probate Court of said county and State that Ann Marlatt, a revolutionary pensioner as mentioned in the foregoing papers died at Fountain County in the State of Indiana on the eighth day of March AD 1850 leaving as her heirs-at-law George, Jacob, Dove, John, Thomas, Albert and Rachel Marlatt, and, Jane Crull and Rebecca Bodine
11th day of December AD 1850
___ Ristine, Clerk
Here is some info from a query at
Abraham & Ann Linder Revolutionary War Pension Files
Continental (Va.) Marlett, Abraham Ann W21.771 Virginia Roll No. 2,188 Private (Drag.) Colo Armond's Legion In the army of the United States during the Revolutionary War Inscribed on the Roll of Virginia at the rate of 8 Dollars per month, to commence the 28 of April 1818 Arrearages to 4 Sept. 1818 4 m 7/30 $33.80 District of Virginia, Berkeley County, ss. On this 28th day of April 1818, before me the subscriber, ___ Judge of the Superior Court of Law for the said county, personally appeared Abrahma Marlatt aged 57 years, resident in Berkely County in the said district, who being by me first duly sworn, according to law, doth on his oath make the following declaration, in order to obtain the provision made by the late act of Congress, entitled ...That he, the said Abraham Marlatt enlisted in Winchester in the state of Virginia in the company commanded by Captain Labart of the Troop of Dragoons belonging to Col. Armond's Legion, that he continued to serve in the said Corps or in the service of the United States, until the end of the war, when he was discharged from service in the Little York, in the state of Pennsylvania, and that he is in reduced circumstances and stands in need of the assistance of his county for support; and that he has no other evidence now in his power of his said services. ...
Virginia to wit At a court continued and held for Berkely County this 11th day of July 1820. On this 11th day of July personally appeared in open court, being a court of records, Abraham Morlatt aged fifty nine years resident in the said county who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath declare that he served in the Revolutionary war as follows to wit as a private dragoon in Captains Labath Company of the independent Corps commanded by Col. Armong that he made his original declaration on the 28th day of April 1818 and obtained a pension certificate number 2188 and the said Morlatt both moreover Solemnly swear that he was a resident citizen of the United States on the 18th day of March 1818 and that he has not since that time by Gift Sale or any manner deposed of his property or any part there of with intent thereby so to diminish it as to bring himself within the provisions of an act entitled "An act to provide for certain persons engaged in the land and naval services of the United States in the Revolutionary War" passed on the 18th of March 1818 and that he has not nor has any person in trust for him any property or securities contracts or debts due him nor has he any income other than what is contained in the schedule here unto annexed and by him subscribed. The said Morlatt --- declares he is a farmer and day laborer but has not had bodily strength sufficient to pursue either for as support. His family consists of a wife Ann aged about fifty years, one daughter aged 7 years neither of whom are able to do more than the necessary work of the family. Sworn to and declared to be ___ the 11th day of July 1830, before the court aforesaid.
Schedule 1 grey mare 18 years old; one hog; one pair horse gears; one old table, a chest; six chairs two pots two ovens and some other little articles of kitchen furniture. [signed] Abraham x Marlate his mark
4495 Illinois Ann Marlatt widow of Abraham who served in the Revolutionary war as a Dragon Inscribed on the Roll at the rate of 62 Dollars 50 Cents per annum, to commence on the 4th day of March, 1848 Certificate of Pension issued the 22 day of May 1849 and sent to M. G Wade Rose N.Y. Set to Maddox Aug 29, 1849
Declaration In order to obtain the benefit of the provisions made by the Act of Congress of 7th July 1838, 3 May 1843 and 19 June 1844.
State of Illinois, County of Mercer ss
On this sixth day of July 1847 before John Neirin the subscribing Judge of the Court of Probate in and for the aforesaid county, personally appeared Ann Marlatt of the township 14N 3 West in the county and state aforesaid, aged Eighty years the 8th day of January last, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on her oath make the following Declaration in order to obtain the benefits of the act of congress above named.
That she is the widow of Abraham Marlatt late a pensioner of the United States at the rate of $96 per annum. To whom she was married at the house of Reverend W. Vance of Martainburg, in the county of Berkeley in the state of Virginia by the Rev. Mr. Vance a Presbyterian Clergyman. In the Month of August (1785) Seventeen hundred and eighty five. That she has no record of her marriage but has a record of her age which has been in use many years. Which record shows that she was born on the 8th day of January (1767) seventeen hundred and sixty seven and she distinctly recollects that she was married August 1785 in the month of August following the January in which she was Eighteen years of age and further she knows that it was the second year following the year, in which the Revolutionary war terminated. and she knows that she was not twenty years of age at the birth of her eldest child. which was born on the 13th day of August (1786) one thousand seven hundred and eighty six. that her said husband Abraham Marlatt, died on the 23 day of July 1828. That since his death she has not inter married ___ still ____ a widow. That her name before marriage was Ann Linder. [signed] Ann X Marlatt her mark ...
Extract from the marriage records of the County of Berkeley, Virginia in the words and ___ following to wit: "Abraham Molatt to Ann Linder on the second day of August one thousand seven hundred and eighty five by the Rev. Hugh Vance" Virginia Berkeley County ___ I Jacob Van Doren, clerk of the County court in the County and state aforesaid do hereby certify that the above is a true extract from the marriage records filed in my office with the exception that the dates are expressed on the original records in ___ legible figures which are here above expressed in words.... official seal at Martainburg this 7th day of October 1847...
State of Indiana, Wayne County ss
Personally appeared before me the undersigned Justice of Peace within and for County Thomas Morlatt of Washington Township in said county, who being by me duly sworn according to law depose and says that he is a child of Widow Ann Morlatt of Mercer Co., Illinois an applicant for pension as the widow of Abraham Morlatt late a pensioner of the United States at the rate of ninety-six dollars per annum and who was deponents Father, that deponent has always understood from his said parents that they were married in Berkeley County, Virginia soon after the close of the Revolutionary War on about the year 1784 which deponent fully believes, as he well knows that his parents had two children older than this deponent own brother and sister to this deponent and all are children of said Ann & Abraham Morlatt, and that the eldest named George if now living is upwards of sixty two years of age.
And that deponent Father died in this county at or near "Crull's Mill" about the year 1828. That since his death his said Widow deponent Mother has not intermarried that still continues his widow. Said deponent has no record of his own age but as he has been informed by his said parents and to his best knowledge & belief he is fifty four, (or upwards) years of age. [signed] Thomas X Marlatt, his mark... this 13th day of Sept. 1847 ...
Department of the Interior Widows Pensions
I certify that in conformity with the Act of February 2, 1848, Ann Marlatt, widow of Abraham Marlatt who was a dragoon in the revolutionary war is ____ on the pension list of the rate of Sixty-two dollars and fifty cents per annum commencing on the 4th of March 1848 and continuing for life, unless she should again marry; in which case the Pension is not payable after the time of such marriage.
Given at the Department of the Interior this 22nd day of March, one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine. signed __ Secretary of the Interior.
State of Indiana, Fountain County ss Be it known that before me, John Fields a Justice of the peace in and for said county duly authorized by law to administer oaths personally appeared, John Allen and make oath in due form of law. That he is the administrator of Ann Marlatt, deceased the identical person named in the original certificate in his possession of which I certify the following is a true copy and which is herewith surrendered.
Know all men by ___ present that I John Allen administrator of the Estate of Ann Marlatt late of Fountain County, Indiana, a revolutionary pensioner of the United States, do hereby constitute and approve George _ Huntington my true and lawful Attorney for me and in my name to ___ from the agent of the United States for paying pensions in the State of Illinois the pension due the said Ann Marlatt for whom I am administrator up to the time of her death to wit on the eight day of March AD 1850.
.... acknowledgement of a Power of Attorney by John Allen, adm.... is genuine...Probate Court of said County... Ann Marlatt a revolutionary pensioners as mentioned in the foregoing papers died at Fountain county in the State of Indiana on the eight day of March AD 1850 leaving as her heirs at law. George, Jacob, Dove, John, Thomas, Albert and Rachael Marlatt and Jane _ull [Crull] and Rebecca Bodine...11 day of December AD 1850.
County of Fountain and State of Indiana and has lived there for the space of ___ years past and that previous ___ he resided in the county of Warren and State of Ohio.
Subscribed and sworn to the 11th day of December AD 1850 John Allen, Adm of Ann Marlatt Estate.
See the images and information below regarding the pension files.
From: J Richards [richards.jw at]
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Subject: John Bodine's Revolutionary War Discharge Papers
Hi Dave, In doing continuing research for my daughter's mother-in-law, Lisa (Bodine) Rogge of Jeffersonville, IN (her father was [Von] Vaughn Bodine), I discovered some new Bodine documentation from the Revolutionary War. In trolling the Library of Virginia's online digital archives containing bounty land warrant applications I've found the Revolutionary War discharge papers for John Bodine (1765-1834, Rev War Pension File S42628). In order to qualify for the land warrant, John gave up his discharge papers. We are fortunate to find this in the Library of Virginia as most of these documents were lost over time by our ancestors. In addition, the discharge papers of John's brother-in-law Abraham Marlatt (their children William Bodine and Rebecca Marlatt would marry) was also found in these archives. Abraham (1761-1828, Rev War Pension File W21771) served in the same unit as John Bodine and is also listed in your database. I've attached a file that provides a transcription of this documentation as well as the original images of the discharge papers if you wish to use the information on your website. J Richards Colorado Springs
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