Notes for: Nancy 'Ann' Bodine
From Ronny Bodine (May 6, 2020):
Nancy Bodine never married. In 1850, as Ann Bodine, aged 50, she was living with her sister and brother-in-law, Catharine and Elijah Rue in East Windsor Township, Mercer County. In 1870, as Nancy Bodine, aged 70, she was living in East Windsor Township, next door to Elijah and Eliza Rue, and employed as a dressmaker. She owned real estate valued at $400 and $600 in personal property. In 1880, as Nancy Bodine, age 80, she was again living with the Rue family.
Obituary, The Hightstown (NJ) Gazette of 10 Sept 1885.
Miss Ann Bodine, in her 87th years, and better known as "Aunt Nancy" Bodine, died at the residence of Elijah Rue, of Milford, on Sunday last. Interment was at the First Church burying ground in Cranbury.
The will of Ann Bodine of East Windsor Township, Mercer County was written 1 May 1876 and names her sister Catharine Eliza Rue, Elizabeth Jamison daughter of my brother Vincent Bodine, Elizabeth V. Rue daughter of my sister Catharine Eliza Rue, Mary Ellen Evernham daughter of Lydia Ann Bodine, brother Peter Bodine, George B. Rue son of my sister Catharine Eliza Rue, Mary Brown daughter of Taylor Brown and granddaughter of Vincent Bodine. Friend Joshua R. Norton is appointed executor. The will was proved 18 Sept 1885 and recorded in Mercer County Will Book J, p. 473.
Burials in First Presbyterian Church Cemetery aka Brainerd Cemetery, Cranbury, Middlesex County, New Jersey.
From a transcription by the Cranbury Historical and Preservation Society, Inc., published 1975.
Row 45, Plot 3 ANN BODINE Died Sept. 6, 1885 Aged 85 Yrs 5 Ms 13 Ds [= 24 March 1800. Plot 4 is that of her mother.]