Notes for: John (Jean) Vigneau

This last name is often found as Vignaud in the French records.

If this is the same person, I have notes from Ann Messecar that say Jean Vignaud, wife Elizabeth, 2 daughters, Ann and Elizabeth, fled from St. Nazaire, Saintonge, France and Port de Barques. His son Jean also fled with a son and daughter. Both were mariners, and Jean Sr. was master of a small boat.

I don't know that this Jean had a son named Jean. I'd like to see the evidence for that first. I can't find anything on this son in the baptism records from Geneabank from the CGS abstracts.

Here is something on this Jean Vigneau from Baird, v. 2, pages 16-17:

Jean Vignaud l'aine, Me et bourgeois de barque, and Jean Vignaud le jeune, matelot, are mentioned, under, both Port des Barques and Saint Nazaire, as fugitives to England in 1681. The former was accompanied by his wife and two daughters ; the latter by a son and a daughter. It is noted in 1684 that both had returned, and purposed to depart again. Each had left property to the value of three thousand livres. John Vignault, his wife Elizabeth, and his daughters Anne and Elizabeth, were naturalized in England, March 21, 1682. The will of Elizabeth, widow of John Vignau, of New York, signed May 20, and, proved September 20, 1709, names her daughter Elizabeth, widow of Vincent Tillou, and her daughter Anne Mace.