Notes for: William Arthur McNamee

From: Susanne Logue
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2024
Subject: William McNamee - Family Tree

Dear Friend,

I am the neice of William McNamee Jr., and I am researching my mother's family tree. My mother and Bill Jr. were full blooded siblings from their parents, Estelle and William Sr.

They grew up in Germantown, Philadelphia. If you have any questions or would like to share you're welcome to email me any time. Thank you.


Susanne Logue

From: Susanne Logue
Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2024
Subject: RE: William McNamee - Family Tree

Hello and thank you for your response. I believe they are both buried in Holy Seplichre Catholic Cemetary in Cheltenham, Philadelphia on Germantown Avenue.

William McNamee was a cook for Horn & Hardarts automat restaurants in Philadelphia. Estelle worked at Willow Grove Amusement Park and she operated the roller coaster.

There is some pretty interesting history in our family tree. William was descended from the Chew Family in Chestnut Hill. The estate is called Cliveden House.

Thanks again,
