Dick Johnson (jravis@qwest.net) said this:
With regard to your question on the Catrina Bodine who married Lodwycke Hardenbrook I think the timing considerations rule out Isaac's daughter who was born in about 1711. Catrina and Lodowycks first baptism was in 1747 when Isaac's daughter would have been 36 years of age and the last baptism was at the Readington Church in 1764 when she would have been 53 years of age. Both seem a little out of ordinary but not impossible. However Abraham's daughter, Catrina, was baptised in 1725 and her first baptised child would have been at age 22 and last at age 42, a much more reasonable spread.
"Early Germans Of New Jersey" in the Bodine Family writeup gives the husband of Abraham and Adriantje (Janse) Bodine's daughter Catrina bap. 4 April 1725 as Lodewyck Hardenbrook. The LDS Ancestry files on Hardenbrook also give Lodewyck's wife as the daughter of Abraham and Adriantje (for what it is worth). My Hardenbrook research relies on previous work done by my wife's Aunt Eula (Wynant) Whelan whose data came from Hardenbrook family members and they agree with the above.