Notes for: Kallil (Joseph) Bodine
The information on this family first came from info at Rootsweb's WorldConnect database (contact: John B. Arnett, Sr. at lifemaster at and from a query at the Bodine Surname Message Board at by Joan Bodine Davis.
From Ronny Bodine:
In 1900, Kallil and Hadba Bodine, with their son Abraham, lived in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois where Kalil was employed as a carpenter. He reported having come to America in 1895 and that in 34 years of marriage, his wife had borne 6 children of whom 4 were then living. See the obituaries of Kallil and Hadba Bodine in the Michigan City Dispatch of 29 April 1918 and 30 Aug 1926. Both were buried in Greenwood Cemetery, Michigan Township, La Porte County.