Notes for: Ezra DeWitt
My thanks to Joyce Cook for sending pictures from this family. Here is a list of the pictures that were sent. I'm not sure how all of them are related, but it is being worked on.
Hettie Bodine collection of relatives:
1. Grandmother Susan Bodine, NJ; Aunt Harriet Cypers of NJ; Aunt Eleanor Conine of Ohi0
2. Samuel C. Bodine 1863
3. Kate Bodine Hill
4. Kate Bodine before married
5. Kate B. Hill 1878
6. Jennie Bodine DeWitt
7. Hettie Bodine 1863
8. Ezra DeWitt (jennie bodine's husband)
9. Asa C Hill of Medina 1878 (Kate's husband)
Here is a picture of Ezra DeWitt. The date the picture was taken is unknown.