Notes for: John Cruser

Mike Lewis (Crusertwo at sent me some info on what I think is this family. He mentioned a 500 page book on the Cruser family that was written by a Warren Cruise. It would be good to look at this to compare info. I believe this John Cruser was the husband of Mary Tucker/Tooker. His father was probably a Cornelius Cruser, Jr. born in 1736. And a Garret Croesen (1639-1680) was the founder of this family. See the full message below from Mike.

Subject: (no subject)

Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2001



My ancestor John Cruser is very elusive. His father Cornelius Cruser, Jr., born 1736, left a detailed will providing for his grandchildren and letting his only living son run the farm on Staten Island until his death in 1829 (John).

His wife was Mary Tucker / Tooker from Elizabeth, NJ. Elizabeth Cruser's brother Cornelius Hatfield Cruser moved to Glouster Cty Va about 1832 where he had Oyster boats. His son also Cornelius settled in Norfolk also Oysterman about 1850. My ancestors. Warren Cruise has written a 500 page book on the family. Gerret Croesen 1639-1680 was founder.

Mike Lewis Wilmington, NC

Mike then sent me another message:

Subject: Re: John Cruser and Mary Tucker

Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2001


For Book: Warren Cruise, PO BOX 100966, Denver, CO 80250...You're right on most of what you said. John was a very hard link to track down as was Mary. But all of Mary's ancestors are from Elizabeth, NJ. John seems to have disappeared for a while and may have gone to Nova Scotia. May have been a Torie, as Staten Island was split about 50/50 and some left for NS, but most of the Crusers (12 different spellings) were loyalist. Two Cruser homes are Historic Landmarks on Staten Island: The Voorlezers House about 1680 and the Cruse Pelton Home 1730-1776-1835 built in 3 stages. The future King of England, Adm. William IV, stayed at the Cruser house during the Revolution as did Major Andre who was hung as Bend. Arnolds spy. Warren's book has most of this and many other tales if he has some left...Mike Lewis, 1710 Lincoln Rd., Wilmington, NC 28403 (910-799-2744).