Notes for: Estella ("Stella") Mae Richardson

I had her name as Estella until I got the message below:

From: Frank Cardoza [FCardoza at]
Sent: Monday, July 26, 2004
Subject: Bodine


It may be that we are somewhat related :-). My Grandma is Goldie May Bodine and her father and mother are Jess Lee Bodine and Estalla Mae Richardson. I saw your note that Jess may not be Lewis's son. I was wondering if you ruled his out yet or not? How did you come across Jess's information? I have a copy of my Grandma's birth certificate, which shows Jess and Estalla. I unfortunately don't know who fathered Jess Bodine. I'm also working on collecting genealogical information for my family tree. My website is here: Any information you can provide would be great.

Best Regards,
Frank Cardoza