Notes for: Joseph Theodore Bodine

Based on the information below and that I saw this person's name as Joseph Theodore Bodine in some data on the Internet, I am assuming that Joseph and Theodore are the same person.

RB told me that Theodore Bodine, age 3, was living 1860 with his parents, but not in 1870 when he would have only been 13 years of age.

From Ronny Bodine:

He was Theodore Bodine, age 3 in 1860 and Joseph Bodine age 16 in 1870. In 1900, as Joseph T. Bodine, he lived in Walnut, Bureau County, Illinois and in 1910-1930 in Peoria, Peoria County. In 1910, Joseph Bodine reported he and Mary had been married 11 years, but in fact it had been 9 years. At her marriage she was named Mary McGlesson and in 1910, living with Joseph and Mary was her 22-year old son, Frank McGlesson. In 1920, he reported he was married, but Mary was not living with him and in 1930 he was widowed, living with his daughter and son-in-law, Ella and Charles Henefelt. The family name of his 1st wife, Leonora, was reported in the California death record of their son, Guy Bodine. Joseph Bodine was buried in Springdale Cemetery, Peoria.

Lenora A. Montgomery was born in Walnut, Illinois on August 26, 1867, and died April 15, 1899, aged 41 years, 7 months and 28 days. On August 26, 1874 she was united in wedlock to Joseph T. Bodine, who withsix sons and one little daughter mourns her death. She also leaves her father -- N. Montgomery, one sister, Mrs. L----- Plumley of Manlius and two half sisters, Mrs. L. A Robinson and Mrs. Mary--her of this vicinity.