Notes for: Harriet C. Bodine
They are both listed as being from Walden on the marriage record.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Vivian Boulos" (vivaroo at
Sent: Monday, April 22, 2002
Subject: Harriet Bodine
Hello, Dave: Do you have any information on Harriet Bodine ( various spellings) supposedly the daughter of John W. Bodine and Ann Dickerson. Harriet was perhaps born in Walden and married there as well to Philip Hale Hapeman on July 16, 1842. I would appreciate any confirmations of these names an dates that you might have. I have MANY descendants for Harriet if we can establish her to your family.
All good wishes, Vivian D. Boulos, Newport Beach, CA.
From: T W [tutorgrl316 at]
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Subject: Harriet C Bodine and William Crist
My name is Tammy and I am currently doing research on William Crist who you recorded correctly as being born around 1821. He was born in Montogmery, Orange, NY and died between 1871 and 1880. He was a grocer for a store located on 38 Water Street in Newburgh, NY. Harriet and William resided at 97 Smith Street in Newburgh, New York. There is an advertisement for his store on page 1 of the Newburgh Directory from 1865. I am currently trying to find more information about William and some pictures of Harriet Bodine and her children. If you have any information please let me know. Thank you
From Ronny Bodine:
From Brick Reformed Church of Montgomery, Orange County, Marriages: 23 Dec 1841: William Crist and Harriet C. Bodine.
From New York Federal Census Records:
1860 (29 June) Newburgh, Orange Co.: Wm. CRIST 39 NY Grocer, Harriet C. 37 NY, Mary R. 15 NY, Ann A. 13 NY, John M. 10 NY, Sarah E. 8 NY, Jane E. BERUS 19 NY Milliner, Ann BODINE 57 NY, John F. MILLSPAUGH 18 NY Clerk.
1900 (6 June) Newburgh, Orange Co.: Wm. CRIST Sept 1819 NY married 59 years Fish Grocer, Harriett Jan 1825 NY wife married 59 years 7 children born/1 living.
Obituary, The Newburgh (NY) Register of Monday, 21 Jan 1901.
Mrs. Harriet, wife of William Crist, died yesterday after a painful illness. She was 76 years of age. Her funeral will take place from her home, 78 Montgomery street, to-morrow afternoon. The interment will be in St. George's cemetery.
The will of Harriet C. Crist of Newburgh, Orange County was written 6 April 1891. Therein, she named her husband William Crist and son John N. Crist. Executors were her son John N. Crist and friend Michael H. Hirschberg. The will was proved 19 Feb 1901 and noted that the testator died 20 Jan 1901. (Orange County Wills, vol. 69, pp. 261-263)
Obituary, The Newburgh (NY) Register of Monday, 20 Jan 1902
William Crist, one of Newburgh's most respected citizens, died at his home on Montgomery street yesterday, aged 82 years. He has been in poor health for some time, and his demise was not unexpected. Mrs. Crist passed away a few years since. Of four children born to the couple, John Crist is the sole survivor. His three daughters---Mrs. Charles D. Monger, Mrs. George Chandler and Mrs. John Fitchie---having died. Mr. Crist was one of Newburgh's oldest business men. For years he has carried on the fish business, and his establishment on Front street had become known to residents of all parts of the city. For a few years past the business has been carried on almost wholly by his son John, although until the infirmities of age prevented Mr. Crist was a daily visitor to the market. He was respected by all who knew him, and in his death the city looses one who was in every respect honorable and upright. The funeral will be held on Tuesday afternoon from the Fitst Baptist Church. The interment will be in St. George's cemetery.