Notes for: William Henry Bodine
He and his brothers, John Forman Bodine and J. Alfred Bodine purchased, in 1855, the glass factory in Williamstown. They then incorporated the firm of Bodine Brothers, of that place. He sold his interest in 1868 to Isaac Sharpless of Philadelphia. William was also a justice of the peace and of the courts of Gloucester County for more than twenty years (Sinnott, p. 172). He was, since 1850, a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
In H. Keith Bodine's manuscript, he says this:
"In the early days of glass making it was customary for the glass factories to pay their workers with monies issued by the factories. I have in my possession a $5 bill dated Williamstown, Nov. 1, 1862, which reads 'Due bearer FIVE DOLLARS in merchandise at the counter of our store.'
Also thin copper coins were issued; I have one of Bodine and Brothers, for one cent, dated 1863... These coins were known as 'shinnies.'"
Biographical History..., p. 286 says he inherited his "large and massive frame" from the Bodines. I think this must have been a characteristic, and maybe still is, of many Bodines from this line.
From Ronny Bodine:
From 1846 to 1867 William Bodine was associated with his father and brothers in the Williamstown Glass Works. From 1866 to 1869 he served as freeholder of Williamstown and on 9 May 1870 was elected secretary-treasurer of the Williamstown Railroad Company. He also served as a Justice of the Peace for 25 years and was Vice-President of the State Sunday School Association. In 1900, the family was living in Monroe Township, Gloucester County. At that time, Mary Bodine reported she had borne 7 children of who 5 were then living. In 1910, Virginia Bodine, now widowed, was living in Monroe Township. The Woodbury "Constitution" of 5 Aug 1856 reports Eliza Emma Bodine died 28 July 1856 in Camden, NJ aged 28 years. The "Gloucester County Democrat" of 13 Feb 1913 reported the death of Mary Virginia Bodine and the Woodbury "Constitution" of 23 Dec 1908 also reported the death of William Bodine. William and Mary Virginia Bodine were buried in Williamstown Methodist Church Cemetery, Gloucester County.
The will of W. H. Bodine, of Williamstown, New Jersey, was written 28 Aug 1908 and proved 28 Dec 1908. Therein, he named his wife Mary V. Bodine, sons J. Frank, Henry V. and W. A. and Charles H. N. Bodine; daughters Ellen B. McCombs, Ida B. Fitzgerald, Cornelia B. Drake and Annie H. Bodine. Executors were Thomas B. FitzGerald of Camden, NJ and C.H.N. Bodine of Williamstown, NJ. (Philadelphia Wills, 371: 152)
Obituary, Trenton Evening Times (Trenton, N.J.) of 22 Dec 1908.
The funeral of William H. Bodine, father of William A. Bodine, of this city, a leading citizen, of Gloucester, was held yesterday morning at 10 o'clock, from his late residence in Williamstown. He died last Thursday. Through his social, religious and business activity Mr. Bodine was well known in this city. He was a son of Joel Bodine, one of the founders of the glass industry of South Jersey. His brothers were Judge John F. Bodine and J. Alfred Bodine, of Williamstown. For a number of years he was associated with his father and brothers in the manufacture of hollow glassware in the firms of Joel Bodine & Sons, Bodine Brothers and later Bodine, Thomas & Company, of Williamstown. Besides W. A. Bodine, these children survive Mr Bodine: J. Frank Bodine and Mrs. Ellen B. McCombs, of Philadelphia; Mrs. Thomas Fitzgerald, of Camden; Mrs. T. Hubert Drake, of Coffeyville, Kan., and Henry V. Bodine, Charles H. N. Bodine and Miss Anna Bodine, of Williamstown. For more than the last half century he had made his home in Williamstown, having been its oldest inhabitant. He had been president of the Williamstown National Bank since its foundation.
Death Notice, the Philadelphia Inquirer, 18 Dec 1908.
BODINE.---On Dec. 17, 1908, W. H. BODINE, in his 85th year. Relatives and friends are invited to attend funeral services at his late residence, Williamstown, N.J. on Monday, Dec. 21, at 10.30 A.M. Train leaves Chestnut st. ferry at 8 A.M.
Death Notice, the Philadelphia Inquirer, 12 Feb 1913.
BODINE.---Williamstown, N.J., 10th inst. M. VIRGINIA, wife of late William H. Bodine Esq. Services residence Williamstown, N.J., Fri. 10 A.M., to which relatives and friends are invited.
Obituary, The Christian Advocate (New York City, N.Y.) of 13 March 1913.
BODINE--Mrs. M. Virginia Slocum Bodine, widow of William H. Bodine, passed away at her home in Williamstown, N.J., February 10, 1913. She was born of good Methodist stock in Dorchester County, Md., and was married in Philadelphia January 13, 1857. In her tender years she was converted and united with the Methodist Episcopal Church, continuing a faithful member until her death and showing a beautiful Christian character. She engaged actively in church work and for thirty-eight years was a faithful teacher in the Sunday school. She is survived by five children--William A., of Trenton, N.J.; Charles H.N. and Miss Annie H., of Williamstown; Mrs. Thomas B. Fitzgerald of Camden, N.J., and Mrs. T. Hulbert Drake, of Gallup, New Mexico.