Notes for: James Bodine

From: Veggie66 [veggie66 at]
Sent: Monday, April 08, 2013
Subject: Format for sending updates/revisions?

My apologies if you've covered this on the site, but what kind of format do you prefer to receive updates in? I have quite a bit of family information that is not yet on your site, that descends down from Mary Bodine and James McLain.

Also, Mary's father, James Bodine, was married to Sarah Sooy. Sarah's mother was Sarah Sears. Sarah Sear's lineage goes back to Mayflower passenger William Brewster. Would you be interested in this line, as well, or do you prefer to not branch off too much.

Thank you so much for your efforts, it has been a tremendous help in my efforts to put my tree together.


Kim Beatty

From Ronny Bodine:

James Bodine was a resident of Waterford Township, Gloucester County in 1820 and of Camden County from 1844, upon its formation from Gloucester County. James and Sarah Bodine were buried in Berlin Cemetery, Waterford Township, Camden County. Sarah was the daughter of Nicholas and Sarah (Sears) Sooy. Her sister, Pharnalia Sooy, married James's brother Samuel Bodine.