Notes for: Mary __________

From: Pat Drummond
Sent: Monday, October 14, 2024
Subject: 1st wife of Andrew J. Bodine (1810-1868)

I am hard at work on the Bodine family again at age 84 and trying to tie up loose ends. Do you have any idea who Mary E. Unknown was who was Andrew Bodine's 1st wife -born about 1812 and died 1835-1839? She is buried at Whiteright Cemetery in Texas, but I haven't been able to reach them. I've downloaded many old emails from you from 1999 and studied them. I descend from John Newton Bodine 1858 who married Harriet Gllock. My father was James Louis Bodine, Jr. 1909-1982) Thank you for all your work! Pat Bodine Drummond Colley from Texas City, TX and Bradford, PA.

From: Ronny Bodine
Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2024
To: pddrumm; Dave Bodine
Subject: Re: 1st wife of Andrew J. Bodine (1810-1868)

Hello Pat,

Dave Bodine asked me to look into this. I have not worked on Andrew Bodine in many years. I checked my own records and compared them with Dave's. There is nothing I can add other than to now question the name of his first wife. I find no record at all of her name being mentioned. This seems to have come from a contact who provided the name with no proof.

Andrew was born in Tennessee, likely in Jackson County and lived with his parents later in McMinn County, TN and then Jefferson Co., Illinois. Illinois is a good state for genealogical research and the statewide marriages have been indexed with no evidence of a marriage of Andrew's to account for the birth of his son James in December 1832 in Illinois. I searched the deed records for Jefferson County, Illinois which revealed the earliest recorded Bodine deeds dated to 28 Jan 1840 and involved his father James and stepmother Sarah. It could well mean that after leaving Tennessee he could have married on his trek west anywhere along the way before reaching Jefferson County, Illinois.

Sorry I was unable to be more helpful.

Best regards,
Ronny Bodine

I agree with Ronny that we really seem to have no evidence of Mary's, first or last, in any records we have. Maybe it was just passed down through the family or was in a family Bible. I asked Pat if she knows.