Notes for: Unknown

This name was received from Laura Paulus on March 26, 1999 in the following message:

Hi, Dave - You are more familiar with the computer than I am and I thought you might be able to help me with this. While checking "Seubering" on, I found several submitters who had Roelof Lukassen Seubering b. 1589/1595 Netherlands, married to JEANNE desMARETS. I emailed to all who had this in their lineage, but could receive no confirmation. Most had received it from some other source; no one had actually found a source. If this is true, I would really like to include this marriage with the new reprint as this would be tremendous news for Sebring families. However, I have real doubts because of the Dutch patronymic system, surely there would be a French name for one of their children and there should be an oldest son named for her father, which there is not. Do you know any way to check this out? Thanks for any help you can give me. I have contacted T. White, Colin Michaud, Charles Stagg, Ed Dillingham and Darwina Michael so far with no results. Laura Sebring Paulus

Another message come on March 29:

Hi, Dave - Thanks for your message. I have emailed everyone who submitted Jeanne desMarets as Roelof Lukassen Seubering's wife and no one has any confirmation of this; it was passed on from one to the other. The final source I found has told me she is dropping it from her lineage as she has no factual basis for it. So, I won't put any credence in Jeanne desMarets at least until I have something concrete. You are right about the Dutch naming system. Willemptje Sebring should have been named for her mother's mother and Jan Roelofse as oldest son would have been named for father's father or grandfather, at least a name on the father's side. In my readings about the Zudebringe region of the Netherlands where the family originated, there were two related Seubring families, the head of one named Lambert (male) who could have been the source of Lambertje Sebring Stryker's name; the other head of family was named Jan. Interesting!

Laura Sebring Paulus