Ronny Bodine is the Group Administrator for the Bodin/Bodine DNA Project at FamilyTreeDNA. Click on this link FamilyTreeDNA to take you to that web site for some more info on this project. Or just read further below for more information.
I quote the following from FamilyTreeDNA:
"A Surname Project traces members of a family that share a common surname. They are of the most interest in cultures where surnames are passed on from father to son like the Y-Chromosome. This project is for males taking a Y-Chromosome DNA (Y-DNA) test. Thus, the individual who tests must be a male who wants to check his direct paternal line (father's father's father's...) with a Y-DNA12, Y-DNA37, Y-DNA67, or Y-DNA111 test and who has one of the surnames listed for the project. Females do not carry their father's Y-DNA. Females who would like to check their father's direct paternal line can have a male relative with his surname order a Y-DNA test. Females can also order an mtDNA test for themselves such as the mtDNAPlus test or the mtFullSequence test and participate in an mtDNA project. Both men and women may take our autosomal Family Finder test to discover recent relationships across all family lines."
Here in the next two documents is brief explanation from Ronny Bodine about Y-DNA and Mt-DNA and about how to interpret the Bodine data.
The following chart has DNA results from several American Bodines descended from Jean Bodin of Medis, France and one Bodine from the Orange County, New York Bodines (one of those tested was Ronny Bodine himself). Ronny says the Orange
County Bodines are related to the Medis Bodines, but the how of that is not yet clear. See more in the information Ronny has added at the bottom of the following chart.
This next chart below has the DNA results from several American Bodines descended from Jean Bodin from near Bethune, France (one of those tested was my father Robert Bodine). One interesting result is that Burton Bordine, a descendant
of Jacob Bodine/Bordine (1768-1836) and his wife Christiana Marlatt does show a relationship with the Bodines from Bethune, France. But in Chart 3 further below, a descendant of Jacob Bordine and his wife Ann/Nancy Farmer does
not show a relationship to the Bodines of Bethune. We did have these two Jacob Bordines as one person married to first Ann Farmer and then Christiana Marlatt. The DNA results, however, would indicate to me that these two Jacob
Bordines are two different people. It is not the same Jacob Bordine who married both Christiana Marlatt and Ann Farmer. See more in the information Ronny has added at the bottom of the following chart.
This final chart shows Girard Bordine, a descendant of Jacob Bodine/Bordine (1764/1770 - 1816/1820) and his wife Ann/Nancy Farmer. It has been said that Ann was Jacob Bordine's first wife with his second wife being the Christiana
Marlatt mentioned in Chart 2. This DNA data would appear to show that is probably unlikely. It could only be possible if there were some unknown break, like an adoption, in the DNA between Girard and Jacob. See more in the
information Ronny has added at the bottom of the following chart.